Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

It has been a while since I have posted anything. Life can be so hectic at times, and now seems to be no exception.

It is Christmas Eve around 11:00, and we are preparing to head home after visiting with "Bubba" (our oldest son, Nathan). It is different since we have already opened our presents and will be on the road a good part of Christmas day. Christmas morning will consist of packing up the car and heading home to Grandma and Grandpa, Paula's parents, who now live with us.

Yes, it is different. No tree or lights or presents. My mom and Dad and brother Tom are no longer with us. But what is important is here, family. I am so blessed, we are so blessed. Not so much in the material sense, but in the sense that we know God, love him, and love one another. I do not wish for another kind of Christmas.

For those who happen on this blog, whether family, friend, or stranger, I wish you the same. Know God's love for you, love and be loved by family (and that includes the family of God), and have the peace and purpose that all of that brings.

Merry Christmas!

Don, Paula, and Family

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