Monday, April 14, 2008

DONATE! And it won't cost you a cent!


Go to
Play the vocabualry game
For each correct answer, you earn 20 grains of rice that will be donated.

What are you waiting for?

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lofty Goal - Part 2

I decided to put a working space under each loft. Pictured is Jeremy's. Both Maggie and Jeremy liked the idea, and soon put it too good use. They each gathered up some items from their room and opened up a little play store. Then they stood behind their counters and "sold" their merchandise to one another. They also showed what they knew about getting customers to their store. When I asked Maggie how much for a hug and a kiss, she said the were $1. Jeremy was quick to counter that at his store, hugs and kisses were free!


I had the chance to go out and visit Nathan (Bubba to Maggie and Jeremy) at the end of Spring Break. He is doing well, and looking forward to graduating High School this May.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Lofty Goal

One of my goals for Spring Break was to make loft beds for Maggie and Jeremy. Here are the twins new loft beds. As you can tell, they approved.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom

She would have been 81 today. We all miss you, dad, and Tom. All our love.