Thursday, July 31, 2008

Ina's Picnic

Ina invited many family members for a picnic we hosted on July 26th.

Kids Day Out

Paula took Maggie to Libby Lu for a make-over, while I took Jeremy to Chuckie Cheese. Here are some pictures from Maggie's trip.

Hannah Montana, What out!

At the Indy Zoo

Maggie enjoys the water at the end of the day

Jeremy battles for position awaiting the dunking basket


Paula at the penguins

Dad and Maggie

Very interesting!

How many hands high?

Gosh mom, you win!

I love the zoo!

Me too!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More summer stuff...

I was able to take a quick visit to see Nathan in July. He is doing well and enjoying his new apartment. Here are some pics of Nathan in the new place.

It's About Time!

I have been delinquent in posting, mostly because the summer has been so busy! I will try to catch up with some quick posting of some pictures in the next few days. Here is one from when Paul and the kids came down to visit and help move in his mom and dad.

Monday, July 7, 2008


We bought a breakfast and tour of our local Firestation at a charity auction a few months back, and cashed it in today.
As a special treat, the mayor also happened to be there today for breakfast. (Jeremy asked me what does a mayor do? I guess he has breakfast with firemen!)
The kids loved it, including me! Everyone had an opportunity to get in the big basket of the ladder truck. The view from the basket truck was incredible (Maggie and Jeremy even made it up part of the way while Paula kept both feet on the ground).
The people at the station were all incredible, and we give a great big "Thank-You!" to everyone there.